Thursday, December 11, 2008


Can someone explain to me why if one single bulb on a strand of Christmas lights goes out, the entire strand is deemed useless until the initial culprit is located and replaced??

One bulb goes out....and THEN THEY ALL GO OUT!!!

This happened on a strand I used outside. A strand of 350 lights. Luckily, I was able to locate the bum bulb and saved my strand. Unfortunately, this didn't work out so well on FOUR OTHER STRANDS.


Now it is nearly 11pm on a Thursday and I am going out to walmart to buy four more strands of lights for my tree.

If you've ever wondered who goes to Walmart at nearly midnight on a weekday. Here's your answer.

People like me.

1 comment:

Kristin said...

Love the blog look! So pretty.

Danielle does such a great job.

I, too, have been at Walmart at midnight for something that I just couldn't wait till morning for. :o)